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200 Dunstans Road
London, England, SE22 0ES
United Kingdom

0777 2646221

À L'aise was founded in London in 2015 by Suzie; born out of her fascination with high quality paper and design. She set about creating a minimalist luxury stationery and leather goods brand, with a focus on timeless design and an emphasis on quality.

Carefully chosen papers are used to create our iconic greeting cards. Traditionally foil printed labels are placed onto the contemporary patterned cards before being paired with luxurious coloured envelopes.

Specialist craftsmen in Northamptonshire, using the highest quality vegetable-tanned leathers, construct all of our leather goods by hand. Each piece is then hand finished at our studio in London before being placed into an ebony box with brass wire stitching.


Modern Luxury Stationery. Luxury Greetings Cards, Birthday Cards. Modern calligraphy ink. Modern Calligraphy Nibs. Modern Calligraphy Supplies. Made in the U.K. in London. Letterpress and Foil Printed Cards. Design Led Stationery. Letterpress and Foil Stationary.
